2008 Pictures Added

I have added pictures for 2008 to my private pictures section of my web page.

You can see them here:


If you need the username and password to get in send me an email.

Folders added so far include:
01 Heidi's Car 1-11-08
02 McLean Genealogy 1-12-08
03 Deseret Towers Destruction
04 Marriage Retreat 2-9-08
05 Daybreak Temple 2-18-08
06 House Shopping 3-1-08
07 SL Temple Trip 4-4-08
08 Park
09 SL Masonic Temple Tour 4-14-08
10 Heidi Spring Break Trip to NM 4-15-08
11 First Ultrasound 4-22-08
12 Mountain Meadows 5-8-08
13 Las Vegas 5th Wedding Aniversary Trip 5-8-08 to 5-10-08
14 Mother's Day 6-11-08
15 Adam and Kristine Wedding Invitation 5-17 and 5-28-08
16 Planted Tank Club
17 Homeshow 6-14-08
18 Pinecrest
19 Michael Funeral
20 Adam and Kristine Wedding 6-28-08
21 Bees 7-4-08
22 2 Gallon Planted 7-5-08
23 Binary Clock
24 Aspen Loop to Wallsburg
25 20 Week Ultrasound
26 Planted Tanks
27 Breaking Dawn Book Release

Have fun.


Groundhog's Day and the Meaning of Life

Yesterday was Groundhog's Day, the holiday where everyone waits with baited breath for a rodent to decide if it saw its shadow, and ther...